Sottobroto Foundation

  1. To conduct any public welfare or charitable activities among the poor people
  2. Establishing schools, colleges and universities to take up literary, arts and science education activities.
  3.  Organizing relief distribution activities among the neglected poor people.
  4. Take initiative to train the uneducated and semi-educated peoples for the purpose of increasing their efficiency by taking educational activities in an improved manner.
  5. Take programs to inform the public/ poor people/ human society about useful and beneficial activities.
  6. Take initiative for the common people (uneducated and semi-educated) aware about the need to develop reading habits by establishing libraries/ reading rooms.
  7. Take initiative to collect and publish rare/ old manuscripts/ books including folk songs which are almost lost in the country.
  8. Arrange programs to display art/ paintings through exhibitions/ museums/ mobile museums.
  9. Collection of sculptures/ paintings and arranging exhibitions through mobile museums.
  10.  Take measures for organizing drawing competitions by establishing fine arts educational institutions around the country.
  11.  Promote literary activities among the people to make them more aware.
  12. Carry out publicity or educational research activities on archeological and historical monuments.
  13. Collecting and preserving mechanical and scientific designs and promoting their benefits.
  1. Provide free books to the poor scholars and ulamas by establishing mosques/ madrasas for the betterment of the standard of Islamic education. Establish religious institutions including Darbar/ Khanka/ Astana Sharif in different parts of the country.
  1. Take economic program for the employment of unemployed and poor people in elimination of dependency and poverty.
  1. Organize and also participate in seminars, symposiums, workshops and trainings at national and international levels to establish the truth.
  1. Work to establish good governance by following the principles of transparency and accountability. To spread the Bengali tradition all over the world by undertaking various projects for the development of Bengali culture, sense of nationalism and civilization.
  1. Help to build an ideological system in the society by spreading the message of truth and peace to all people through publication to build a peaceful humanitarian society. Introducing the process of being virtuous in establishing truth at every level in the society.
  1. Works to seek the meaning of the command-prohibition-advice messages of Sufi Saint, Great man and Religious Gurus and to continue research in following Their suggested paths through practice and present the researched information to the common people.
  1. Work to conduct practical activities through extensive use of information, communication and technology at all levels to strengthen one’s position in the modern competitive world of information communication and technology. To take measures to spread the light of technology especially among the disadvantaged peoples.
  1. Take comprehensive programs including conservation, care and tree plantation and animal resources development to maintain the balance of environment and climate. Extensive promotion and dissemination to reduce carbon emissions from the air. Work for agricultural development by adopting various pragmatic programs of the region.
  1. Take various education programs to eradicate illiteracy including general, technical, specialized, free and adult education to spread the quality education. Provide overall support for higher education through the provision of scholarships or assistance to indigent students. Besides, to make arrangements for taking practical skills oriented education for the purpose of self-education.
  1. Work for the establishment of legal rights with the aim of obtaining justice with the help of law and help every citizen residing in any place in accordance with the law. Advising, discussing and identifying problems in the light of ethics to prevent social degradation from the society. Work for Establishing truth, honesty, moderate decency and justice in establishing the eternal values ​​of Bengal and Bengalis.
  1. Work to adopt and implement various creative and creative plans for the development of social, cultural, economic and humanities of children, youth and youth community in building modern society. To promote women’s rights and dignity, specially in women’s awakening, empowerment and self-reliance, including basic education, technical education, higher education and practical training to ensure women’s participation in all spheres of life.
  1. Wok to establish human religion by establishing and managing various technological educational institutions including free medical services, mobile medical services, charitable clinics and hospitals, medical colleges, nursing institutes, pharmaceuticals. To undertake various timely programs including population control and family welfare, reduction of maternal mortality rate, adolescent education, anti-drug education and training, including prevention and treatment of diseases for the protection of maternal and child health.